- Colon Hydrotherapy / Colon Cleanse:
Colon hydrotherapy will help boost your health by detoxing and cleansing the entire colon system. It’s a process using water to gently cleanse the colon and rid it of toxins that heavily build up. When toxins build up in the colon, it causes of host of symptoms including aching joints, headaches, poor concentration, fatigue, etc. Colonics help aid the body’s natural ability to heal itself by removing the overload on the system caused by the toxins. Our clinic uses the LIBBE open system process. If you would like to learn more about our Colon Hydrotherapy procedure, please look here.
- B12 Shots:
Your body needs B12 to ensure proper cell function and metabolism. B12 is not well absorbed from the diet or in capsule form for some individuals. B12 deficiency causes anemia, peripheral neuropathy, fatigue, depression, confusion, decreased immune function, and many more conditions.
- 21-Day Purification and Jump-start Natural Weight Loss Program:
Our 21-Day program is a great way to detoxify the body and help with weight loss. The program emphasizes natural therapies, whole foods, and detoxification therapies that will help purify and support the body. The program includes a detoxification kit which includes natural shakes and supplements which will aid in expelling the toxins that are stored in fat cells. Progress is monitored with BMI measurements and toxicity analysis among others. The purification program helps to greatly remove toxins so you can experience increased energy, clearer skin, better digestion, weight loss, reduced cholesterol, mental clarity, and more. Overall great cleanse to do to help rejuvenate the body and regain health!
If you want to learn more about our 21-Day Purification Program, please look here.